Maestría en Project Manager Bilingüe
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Maestría en Project Manager Bilingüe
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Precio 8.900 €
Maestría en Project Manager Bilingüe.
- Methodology: Online
- Captación Internacional: Sí
- Convocatoria: Octubre 2018
- Tipo: Master
- Duración: 12 meses
- ECTS: 60
Online Master for project managers to achieve the skills on leading, planning and supervising global projects Overview of the Master in Project Management
Current market dynamism and the companies that drive it give rise to an increasing need to manage multiple projects at once. As a result, at the Management level it is crucial to know the status of a company's projects at all times, the scope of the projects the company is considering carrying out and the results of the projects that have been completed. The best way for businesses to do this is by ensuring the quality, skills and abilities of their Project Managers.
The Master in Project Management is designed to train professional project managers (PMP) who know how to lead, plan, organize and supervise complex and global projects, achieving set objectives in terms of results and efficiency.
OBS Business School is a Registered Education Provider (REP) certified by Project Management Institute (PMI), the world's largest project management member association. REPs Education Providers are organizations that have been approved by PMI to help project managers achieve and maintain the Project Management Professional (PMP) ® , Program Management Professional (PgMP) ® and other PMI professional credentials. These organizations have met PMI's rigorous quality criteria for course content, instructor qualification, and instructional design.
Professional career outlets:
This program will prepare you to:
Strategic Project and Business Management.
1. Methodology procurement management.
4. Contract of sale.
5. Lease agreement.
6. Significant contract-related legal concepts.
Project Sales Management.
One of the objectives of the Master in Project Management is to prepare participants to take and pass the Project Manager Professional (PMP) certification exam from the Project Management Institute (PMI). (PMP ® is a registered trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.).
Final master's degree project that requires students to complete a project as a means to implement the knowledge acquired throughout the program.
Tool presentation webinars.
The Master of Project Management offers a wide and open vision of project management, training students in project management methodology regardless of the specific tools that will be used. However, the program includes presentations in the form of webinars of some tools like Microsoft Project and Palisade, not only to increase your knowledge but also to evaluate the tools' potential and discuss possibilities for improving both the application itself and its use in business contexts with the software representatives.
Software tools.
During the course students will have the opportunity to become experts in the following software tools: Microsoft's MS Project and Palisade's @Risk. Students are required to know and have MS Excel.
OBS Business School (OBS) was established in 2007 as the first business school in Spain to be 100% online. The School was founded by Grupo Planeta, a world leader in the publications for the Spanish-speaking market with a wealth of know-how in terms of e-learning, in collaboration with two strategic partners:
Online MBA List 2013 in the economic newspaper The Financial Times
Two of the MBA programmes offered by OBS, namely the Executive MBA and the Global MBA , were ranked among the best online MBAs in the world in 2013, according to the Online MBA List 2013 produced by the prestigious economic newspaper The Financial Times.
The Ibero-American Ranking of Online Training Centres 2013
For the third year in a row, OBS was ranked as the best online training centre in Spanish in the 3rd Ibero-American Ranking of Online Training Centres. The ranking classifies the best online programmes in categories, three of which are headed by programmes of the OBS Business School:
PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education)
Since 2012, OBS Business School has been one of the world's leading business schools affiliated to the PRME programme (Principles for Responsible Management Education) established by the United Nations to promote responsible education. OBS is the only business school in Spain that is a member of the PRME programme, putting it on a level with reputable universities and business schools around the world such as IESE, IMD Business School, HEC Lausanne, INSEAD and the HULT Business School.
Current market dynamism and the companies that drive it give rise to an increasing need to manage multiple projects at once. As a result, at the Management level it is crucial to know the status of a company's projects at all times, the scope of the projects the company is considering carrying out and the results of the projects that have been completed. The best way for businesses to do this is by ensuring the quality, skills and abilities of their Project Managers.
The Master in Project Management is designed to train professional project managers (PMP) who know how to lead, plan, organize and supervise complex and global projects, achieving set objectives in terms of results and efficiency.
OBS Business School is a Registered Education Provider (REP) certified by Project Management Institute (PMI), the world's largest project management member association. REPs Education Providers are organizations that have been approved by PMI to help project managers achieve and maintain the Project Management Professional (PMP) ® , Program Management Professional (PgMP) ® and other PMI professional credentials. These organizations have met PMI's rigorous quality criteria for course content, instructor qualification, and instructional design.
Professional career outlets:
- Project Director
- Program Manager
- Portfolio Manager
- Program Management Office (PMO)
- Project Leader
Objectives of the Master in Project Management.
This program will prepare you to:
- Manage complex projects efficiently and effectively.
- Lead teams through developing leadership skills and techniques for managing human and material resources.
- Align the current needs of companies in project management with education in best market practices.
- Start your preparation for the certification exam for Project Manager Professional (PMP) from the Project Management Institute (PMI), with the help and expertise of our team of PMP teachers which will provide you with the credits needed to register.
- Gain knowledge which is practical, up to date and fully applicable to the reality of the needs of organizations in project management.
- Contact an international team of teachers who currently hold leadership positions in companies that are engaged in the management of projects in different sectors.
- Become part of an international network of alumni.
- Access material of high quality, besides having free access to the bibliography of management books from the publishers Deusto and Gestion 2000.
Study Plan of the Master in Project Management.
All of the subjects which are defined in "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge", (PMBOK ® Guide) – Fifth Edition, 2013 , from the Project Management Institute, will be analysed during the course, as well as other subjects essential in order to guarantee the competent development of the Project Manager. (PMBOK is a registered trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.).
Strategic Project and Business Management.
- The company and company policy.
- Culture and organizational styles.
- Project management and the company.
- Organizational change projects.
- Project feasibility and profitability study.
- Areas of expertise in project management.
- Organizational structures in projects.
- The overall standard of the Guide to Project Management Fundamentals (PMBOK ® Guide)
- Project concepts, project management and operations management.
- Project life cycle and how the organization influences projects.
- Project management processes.
- Project management methodologies.
- What is project scope management?
- Gathering requirements.
- Defining the project scope.
- Creating a work breakdown structure (WBS).
- Verification and monitoring of project scope.
- Introduction and overview.
- Identification and definition of schedule activities.
- Sequencing of schedule activities.
- Estimating the resource requirements for the activities.
- Estimating the duration of activities.
- Schedule development.
- Monitoring and controlling due dates. Monitoring the schedule.
- Software tools: MS Project. Practical exercises.
- Introduction.
- Estimating costs.
- Preparation and approval of the project budget.
- Cost control.
- Main factors that can cause cost management fail.
- Quality planning, assurance and control.
- Quality standards applicable to projects.
- Products and/or service quality. The project's quality plan.
- Tools and techniques for improving the process quality.
- The Project Management Institute's project risk management methodology.
- Equipment, schedule and cost required for risk management.
- Principal risk identification techniques.
- Principal qualitative and quantitative risk analysis techniques.
- Contingency reserves and project management reserves. Budget and control.
- Software tools for risk management.
- Keys to effective project risk management.
- Introduction.
- Financial Plan.
- Capital needs.
- Financial model.
- Financial analysis and reporting.
- Project feasibility and risk analysis.
- Project program management
- Project portfolio management
- OPM3 standard ® (OPM3 is a registered trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.).
- Case studies.
- Human Resource Planning. Recruitment and development.
- Management and leading the project team
- Personal skills: Project Manager management skills and techniques
- Social and environmental responsibility
- Professional ethics
- Identification of project stakeholders
- Planning project communications
- Collection, compilation and distribution of project information
- Managing expectations of the project stakeholders
1. Methodology procurement management.
- Procurement planning, implementation and administration.
- Contract completion.
- Contractual strategies or typologies according to their scope, organization, price and allocation system.
- Consulting and project management support contracts.
4. Contract of sale.
5. Lease agreement.
6. Significant contract-related legal concepts.
Project Sales Management.
- The project as a product to sell
- The project sale process
- Types of deals and contracts
- Tender preparation and content
- Strategic sales methodology
- Initiation and planning processes
- Execution, control, closing and support processes
- Knowledge management
- Trends in project management
- ISO21500
- Agile techniques.
- Prince2
- IPMA approach to project management
- Project management adaption methodologies for specific sectors: construction, oil and gas, software development, maturity models, IPMA competency model for sectors.
- Project Management Information Systems (PMIS) and Tools.
- PMP Preparation: Initiation
- Project Management Game.
One of the objectives of the Master in Project Management is to prepare participants to take and pass the Project Manager Professional (PMP) certification exam from the Project Management Institute (PMI). (PMP ® is a registered trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.).
Final Project.
Final master's degree project that requires students to complete a project as a means to implement the knowledge acquired throughout the program.
Tool presentation webinars.
The Master of Project Management offers a wide and open vision of project management, training students in project management methodology regardless of the specific tools that will be used. However, the program includes presentations in the form of webinars of some tools like Microsoft Project and Palisade, not only to increase your knowledge but also to evaluate the tools' potential and discuss possibilities for improving both the application itself and its use in business contexts with the software representatives.
Software tools.
During the course students will have the opportunity to become experts in the following software tools: Microsoft's MS Project and Palisade's @Risk. Students are required to know and have MS Excel.
Program Director.
Joan Torres Moreno
It is necessary to have a university degree and work experience to be accepted into the programme. Work experience is most valued because it is important to share in the knowledge – gained from training and professional responsibility – which each participant contributes to the particular situations set out by the professor. In the event that someone does not have the abovementioned requirements, acceptance into the programme will be decided on by the Board.
The people who pass the programme evaluation and comply with the academic requirements, established by the University of Barcelona (UB), will receive a UB qualification. All those who pass the evaluation will receive an EAE Business School qualification.
In order to obtain a UB qualification, you need to have a University Degree (Engineer's Degree, Bachelor's Degree for four years or Bachelor's Degree for three years). If you do not have a University Degree, once you have passed the different evaluations you will receive an extension diploma from UB.
- Executive Director of Organization and Systems. Miquel
- Alimentación Group.
- MBA. Specialty Dir. Operations. ESADE. Barcelona.
- Master E-Business. La Salle. URL. Barcelona.
- Telecommunications Engineer. UPC. Barcelona
Requirements and qualifications of the Master in Project Management.
It is necessary to have a university degree and work experience to be accepted into the programme. Work experience is most valued because it is important to share in the knowledge – gained from training and professional responsibility – which each participant contributes to the particular situations set out by the professor. In the event that someone does not have the abovementioned requirements, acceptance into the programme will be decided on by the Board.
The people who pass the programme evaluation and comply with the academic requirements, established by the University of Barcelona (UB), will receive a UB qualification. All those who pass the evaluation will receive an EAE Business School qualification.
In order to obtain a UB qualification, you need to have a University Degree (Engineer's Degree, Bachelor's Degree for four years or Bachelor's Degree for three years). If you do not have a University Degree, once you have passed the different evaluations you will receive an extension diploma from UB.
Becas y Ayudas del Executive MBA .
OBS pone a disposición de los candidatos su Programa de Becas con el fin de fomentar la formación continua de profesionales, emprendedores y directivos. Para optar a una de estas becas, que financian una parte del programa, los candidatos deben estar admitidos en dicho programa y cumplir con los requisitos especificados.
El Comité de Admisiones y Becas valorará la adecuación del perfil y la trayectoria profesional de los candidatos, las razones alegadas en la carta de solicitud de beca y las recomendaciones profesionales y académicas del candidato.
Actualmente, están vigentes las siguientes becas:
Requisitos: candidatos sin experiencia previa en modelos de formación online y que se ajusten a los requisitos académicos y curriculares del programa de su interés.
Requisitos: beca accesible para candidatos con más de 3 años de experiencia profesional en puestos de responsabilidad, que deseen adquirir las habilidades y capacidades directivas para dar un salto cualitativo en su carrera profesional.
Requisitos: candidatos que deseen adquirir los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para emprender en Internet e impulsar nuevos modelos de negocio digitales, sea en su propia empresa o como directivo.
OBS pone a disposición de los candidatos su Programa de Becas con el fin de fomentar la formación continua de profesionales, emprendedores y directivos. Para optar a una de estas becas, que financian una parte del programa, los candidatos deben estar admitidos en dicho programa y cumplir con los requisitos especificados.
El Comité de Admisiones y Becas valorará la adecuación del perfil y la trayectoria profesional de los candidatos, las razones alegadas en la carta de solicitud de beca y las recomendaciones profesionales y académicas del candidato.
Actualmente, están vigentes las siguientes becas:
- Beca OBS Experience .
Requisitos: candidatos sin experiencia previa en modelos de formación online y que se ajusten a los requisitos académicos y curriculares del programa de su interés.
- Beca Perfil Directivo .
Requisitos: beca accesible para candidatos con más de 3 años de experiencia profesional en puestos de responsabilidad, que deseen adquirir las habilidades y capacidades directivas para dar un salto cualitativo en su carrera profesional.
- Beca Online Business Management .
Requisitos: candidatos que deseen adquirir los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para emprender en Internet e impulsar nuevos modelos de negocio digitales, sea en su propia empresa o como directivo.
About OBS.
OBS Business School (OBS) was established in 2007 as the first business school in Spain to be 100% online. The School was founded by Grupo Planeta, a world leader in the publications for the Spanish-speaking market with a wealth of know-how in terms of e-learning, in collaboration with two strategic partners:
- The University of Barcelona , the leading public university in both Catalonia and Spain, with over 560 years of history.
- EAE Business School , which was ranked as one of the 25 best business schools in the world in 2013, according to América Economía, and the third most reputable business school in Spain, according to MERCO (Spanish Monitor of Corporate Reputation) in the same year.
Online MBA List 2013 in the economic newspaper The Financial Times
Two of the MBA programmes offered by OBS, namely the Executive MBA and the Global MBA , were ranked among the best online MBAs in the world in 2013, according to the Online MBA List 2013 produced by the prestigious economic newspaper The Financial Times.
The Ibero-American Ranking of Online Training Centres 2013
For the third year in a row, OBS was ranked as the best online training centre in Spanish in the 3rd Ibero-American Ranking of Online Training Centres. The ranking classifies the best online programmes in categories, three of which are headed by programmes of the OBS Business School:
- The OBS Global MBA, best online MBA in Spanish.
- The Master in Marketing and Commercial Management , best online programme in Spanish in the field of Marketing.
- The Master in Financial Management , best online programme in Spanish in the field of finance.
- CLADEA (Latin American Board of Business Administration Schools)
- EDEN (European Distance and eLearning Network)
PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education)
Since 2012, OBS Business School has been one of the world's leading business schools affiliated to the PRME programme (Principles for Responsible Management Education) established by the United Nations to promote responsible education. OBS is the only business school in Spain that is a member of the PRME programme, putting it on a level with reputable universities and business schools around the world such as IESE, IMD Business School, HEC Lausanne, INSEAD and the HULT Business School.